*Tartt's Scientific Approach*

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Henri W. Tartt
Supervising Chemist &
Chief of Microbiology (retired)
City of Cleveland, Ohio

*Life and Social Sciences*
*Science & Religious Discussion*
*Scientific Principles Applied to Controversial Subjects*
*Avenues to Academic Excellence*

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*God: Belief or Certainty?*

Greetings to you, it is good to be with you again. What do you believe? Why? Do you really know or just think you do? Have you ever joined a religion that didn’t turn out to be what you hoped? Did it appear about half the congregation was only putting on a “religious act?” Do you think any religion really knows what it claims? Or do you think religion and belief is just an answer to fear camouflaged in an emotion we call faith? Is there any way we can actually know there is a ‘God’ and he really does exist? Well yes, I believe there is. But you be the judge.

What about questions like the differing names for God and the types of worship we selectively give Him? Are these human efforts really important? Is God male, female or other? How can we know? Where is God when disaster strikes? (For the sake of brevity) I will not attempt to decide which religion is “this or that.” E.g., Hinduism, Judaism, Buddhism, Confucianism, Christianity, or Islam. This is your decision alone. Today we are talking about the power and existence of God. (And his forgiveness) But before you say, God isn’t real,” read this, and then decide.

First off, I’ll have to avail myself of those inborn faculties given us all for proof of discernable truth…namely the human brain. In my opinion: The Holy Books of the predominant religions have done incomplete justice explaining the power of God to today’s technological world. According to my studies God is far more potent in capability and authority than any of man’s writings can convey. (Using datedlanguage) Such power needs ‘further’ understanding in areas of Quantum Mechanics, String Theory, and Multiple Universe Theology. The incorporation of which we have only recently begun to theorize. In my view, in order to “keep current” we must add scientific components and explanations to our ‘antiquated’ religious belief systems. Science is our best answer to “intellectual unbelief.”

I believe everyone has a personal theology about the existence of God. It may be nonsensical to some and strange to others but it’s yours. Views about this topic are particularly subject to change. Very few are so convinced they’re right that they are totally unwilling to consider challenges to their argument. Let’s briefly look at recent scientific knowledge we can apply to the subject of God’s power. And the mechanisms by which such power may be wielded.

Quantum Mechanics shows us many examples of “God-like” power where “The Unworldly Scientific Genius” (God) according to the laws of physics could wield incredible power even on a Global scale and Beyond. (Note* Oxford, York) These powers include (but are not limited to) “Quantum Tunneling, Cohesion, Entanglement, Affirmation, Superposition, Field Theory, Ultra Violet Catastrophe, and Renormalization. Aka; “Omnipotence, Omnipresence, and Omniscience.” The difficulties in these sciences take volumes of space and time to correlate. Space is a factor when using ‘contingents’ in correlating Mathematical Physics. Stay tuned.

These physics abilities (Quantum-&-Total) if mastered could make “walking on water, through walls, and being everywhere at once” transcend “magic-like” to the entirely possible. There would not be ‘much’ one could not do. These powers would look especially awesome to the untrained eyes of dated scribes and repeaters in some Holy Books written thousands of years ago. I’m not suggesting the powers scripture describes were not real, but might be more believable today in light of current information and understanding of the laws of physics.

This briefly leads (me) to views of String Theory and Alternative Universe Theology. There are currently 10 dimensions of space and one of time in “String Theory.” But we only see 3 of them, “left right, back forth, up down.” There may be dimensions in these spaces that today’s mindset is not yet prepared to accept. But some unknown regions that can appear in String Theory could be reserved for the use of deceased souls in the event “something comes next.” Alternate Universes may contain ‘other’ dimensions as well. Even the elusive location(s) of *Heaven, Nirvana, or Paradise* (et al.) is not out of the question. But “No one(at this point) can be sure.

There are 100 billion stars in our galaxy, and about 100 billion galaxies in the observable universe. I won’t bore you with statistics about what this means for the possibility of life existing elsewhere. (But it is overwhelming) Not only does other life probably exist, but some dimensions or universes may have a set of physics and *life requirements* we know nothing about. We have an ‘open’ and trusting society. But I think we should be far more cautious.

But to say all of this came about ‘on its own,’ I refer to these facts: No organism can create itself. It must have parents that resemble itself whether microbial or immense. Evolution and Natural Selection have no ability to create *first life. *They can only “fine tune or tweak” what is already here! Subsequently, these two processes could not be a First Cause.(It is important to note that both “Evolution and Natural Selection” are eliminatedfrom the “Life Equation.” Information and language also cannot self-generate. Their insertion on Earth had to originate at an external, intelligent source. Most call this source and life creator, God.”

E.g., Look briefly at our DNA. DNA (ACGT) is made from 4 different bases and contains a language. This had to come from an intelligent source. From these 4 bases, we get 20 amino acids that give us 100,000 proteins and eventually everything else that makes us human. This had to be mathematically compiled by an extreme intellect. An intellect so powerful that all efforts to adjust, control, sexualize, or alter is ‘caught instantly’ and processed telepathically using the sciences previously mentioned. No secrets, no disguises, and no lies! Am I being clear?

Our every bodily cell is packed with three feet of this DNA. (3 billion nucleotides) We have a ‘Cosmological Constant’ in our universe which allows us to live on this planet. This constant is tuned to the 120th decimal place. (That’s one part in one trillion, trillion, trillion, trillion, trillion, trillion, trillion, trillion, trillion, trillion) The slightest deviation even in the 15th decimal place would cause our entire universe to self-destruct. If not somehow controlled, (at least for the last 4.5 billion years) this force would have disintegrated us all eons ago.

I could go on for weeks scientifically, but at this point for this august readership, it is not necessary. All this absolutely could not happen by chance! Homo sapiens were thought of and created by the intricate mind of an “Unworldly Scientific Genius.” (God) Our inexhaustible attempts at scientific imitation like the creation of robots with ‘artificial intelligence’ is proof of a “genetic” memory inculcated at our creation.

If this appears a bit ‘supernatural,’ to our world of today, I suppose it does. But the “genetic” similarity we share with deity is ‘mathematic', emanating from our creation. This creation gives us the desire to emulate God. (Depending on the species, an offspring will innately imitate, and (if human) selectively emulate a parent)

With a universe so huge, combined with Alternate Universes and many dimensions possibly adding untold size. Perhaps it is possible for God to “miss or overlook” (by necessity) some Earthly problems? God may be busy with other, more pressing occurrences “elsewhere” quite often. This may be when some people lose faith and say things like; “There is no God! Just look at what has happened!Pay no attention, this is everyday human nature.

But have you ever failed to look out for the welfare of a child or pet? Did you forget, (in reality) you are God to your personal creatures? Did you ever make a mistake? Has your house ever looked as though you didn’t exist? I know some will say; (But God is supposed to be perfect) The tendency to expect perfection reflects various forms of mental illness. The appearance of inaction happens mathematically, everywhere. (Please excuse the comparison)

What about the “Male or Father” sexual designations and the various Names” we use for God? This is a derivative of Man’s worldwide societal structure and language ethnicity. There are elaborate psychological reasons but it’s that simple. Almost every religion has its share of Fakes, Actors, and Holier than Thou’s,” but most are sincere. As promised, I hope I have covered the existence of God issue adequately. Any more study of this subject would have the same effect as “beating a dead horse.” So, I rest my case. The proof of God’s existence is clear and precise.


But interestingly, while studying this subject, I inadvertently found one of the primary causes for “unbelief in God.” It is a personal attitude involving something one has done.” Of course, I don’t claim to know what that may be, but it’s something one does not feel quite forgiven for. I am not a Psychologist, or an Evangelist, I am a Scientist. However, if one is interested, or just a little curious, this is (briefly) how I see it:

“There still may be hope”

*There are over 4,200 religions in the world today. All of them do not claim authority to perform forgiveness (absolution) of sin rituals, or have Holy-Book sin expiation scripture. But some do. Because of human nature, frailty, and fear, unforgiven sin maybe quite unsettling to many. I am not trying to proselytize, so check for this assistance (and if one qualifies for it) with Clergy of one’s particular faith. * (A belief in God is required)

*Official Sin Expiation Procedures are subject to Individual Religious Authority*

The following information is not intended to wound, only to inform. From extensive religious reading on the subject of sin, it is my understanding: In some countries, even major crimes like Murder and Rape, *under certain circumstances*, may be ultimately forgivable in Man’s Court of Law.” (E.g., Mental Illness, Fear, World War, etc.) As is Sexual Sin, lying, Stealing, and Cheating. (Et al.)They usually require various forms of penal punishment or penance. But check with one’s Religious Authority, (I.e. Minister, Priest, Rabbi, Imam, Shaman, or Spiritual Leader) for instruction and information on whether they participate in, or will offer guidance concerning Sin Expiation.

In my view, even after years, if one thinks they have not been forgiven for (whatever) sin, they may choose not to believe in God. And as long as one continues to define themselves by something they’ve done, (in the past) one might not find true quiet and inner peace. They may be unable to experience the inspiration to believe in their God and religion as fervently as they once did, especially in their youth. And living with unforgiven sin only worsens with time…and age. Gradually, those old tales of *reward and punishment* may start ‘flooding back’ into focus?

One Biblical Sin Expiation Procedure: (Based on 1 John 1:9)

According to everything I have been able to ‘glean’ from multiple scriptural and religious information sources: (Make sign of cross) After the confession of sin (through truly contrite and sorrowful prayer) if one’s Clergy tells him/her, (or if alone, one believes in their heart) God has forgiven them, (according to His dictates) then one must trust Him, and truly *Believe. *And the “veil of sin” is lifted. Then say;” Thanks be to God.”(Makes sign of cross) And now one can “Go in Peace.” (And Guilt should be allowed to fade) (There are other versions of this ritual)

(*While no one (here) can personally guarantee the Almighty will forgive one’s sin, considering the alternative,” (Prince or Pauper) I feel it’s worth a try. (Speak with Clergy) I have shown positive scientific proof of God’s existence. This proof should help alleviate any guilt and intellectual doubt or unbelief one may still harbor. - Good luck)

Objective Results: (As I see them)

According to the beliefs or tenets of the participating faith(s): After successful completion of this (or similar) ritual: One can again *feel saved. *Worship, believe, love, and rejoice at meetings. And give praise to a God that not only still loves them but truly does exist. A God that is indeed aCertainty in their lives, and beyond. Peace, and Stay well

*Even the best gardens have weeds* - Unknown

With Greatest Respect,
Henri W. Tartt
Supervising Chemist,
And Chief of Microbiology, (Retired)
City of Cleveland, Ohio (USA)
Website: Tartt’s Scientific Approach

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